#10 How To Invite Lady Luck

Dr. Liane Siu Slaughter
4 min readMay 13, 2022


Dear Lady Luck — Long time no see! How are you doing?

I was wondering if we could reconnect sometime. I’d be delighted to have you over for rooftop tea, or meet you somewhere in town if you prefer that. I also enjoy walking and talking and wouldn’t mind doing so in just about any weather you bring us that day, as long as you’ll bless me with the opportunity to clean up afterward.

I’m hoping that we can catch up and see if we might be able to collaborate on something in life very soon.

I think that with the two of us together, we can enjoy creating something amazing together that we’ll both enjoy and that our friends and family will appreciate too. Hopefully, these effects ripple out into the world too.

Speaking of friends and family — many of mine are also interested in connecting with you. I know you’re very busy and enjoy meeting only the right people at only the right times, so ahead of these potential meetings, I’ll share with them this list to help them become the right person at the right time.

Let me know if I’ve missed anything. I look forward to hearing from you!

Yours, Liane

Preparing Yourself to Meet Lady Luck

Get in the mood to be with yourself.
Why would Lady Luck be in the mood to meet you if you’re not?

1) Sleep

2) Wake up and tidy up your bed

3) Get inspired, try reading something. I find the best in Sci-fi.

4) Write about your inspirations.

5) Clear your head. Feel your body. Walk, run, swim, lift, climb, whatever.

6) Clean up

7) Eat, as well as you can. Well means exactly the best you can have for you right now in exactly the right amount, more and no less.

8) Let go of control. Lady Luck hates control.

Inviting Lady Luck

Now that you’re in the mood, invite her:

9) Introduce or reintroduce yourself

10) Tell her about your idea and why you want to make it happen

11) Express to her why you think the two of you working together on this idea would be like two peas in a pod.

12) Brainstorm a bit — if the two of you are successful, what else could you achieve?

13) Tell her you’re open to ideas.

14) Ask if this sounds interesting to her.

15) Let her know how to reach you and when you’re available to see her.

16) Close by letting her know you are looking forward to hearing from her.

17) Send the invitation

After Inviting Lady Luck

Remember, with Lady Luck, it’s up to her when, where, and in what form she shows up. All you can do is to let her know you’re ready to receive her.

To increase her chances of showing up, do everything you can to stay in the mood. Try repeating steps 1–8 daily.

At the same time, do what you can so that when Lady Luck does drop you a line, you don’t miss it. Consider the following:

18) Minimize chatter, especially negative chatter.

19) Make space away from people who induce negative mental chatter in you, especially those who insist that Lady Luck either does not exist or will not come to you or poo on your inspirations. Maybe these people are important to you in some way, but don’t join them in these activities. Doubting Lady Luck’s existence does not attract her.

20) Make space for people who you feel happy around. Genuinely happy.

21) Share your inspirations with people ready to appreciate them

22) Say please.

23) Say thank you.

24) Say excuse me.

25) Ask for what you want, considerately and with humor, when appropriate.

Is Lady Luck here?

Say you think Lady Luck is showing up.

Something obvious could happen — cliches like winning the lottery, getting a huge promotion, your now sweetheart asks for a lifetime with you.

Something tiny could happen — the bus has two seats left and you’re the second person in line, a stranger buys you pastries when you find yourself without cash at a cash-only bakery, you notice the sidewalk dog poo just in time to swerve.

Or something you want to go away starts to go away — a yeast infection, a toothache, a challenging coworker leaves your team for a new job, the weather changes the way you hoped it would.

How do you know it’s really her?

Try asking yourself any of the following:

1) How is this good for me?

2) What can I learn from this?

3) How will this be good for others around me?

4) Do I like myself as I’m going through this?

If you think it’s her and you want her to stay, invite her to stay. Repeat steps 1–25 daily.



Dr. Liane Siu Slaughter
Dr. Liane Siu Slaughter

Written by Dr. Liane Siu Slaughter

Multinational writer, scientist, and traveler. I mix life together to see what’s real.

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